Sunday, September 11, 2011

Salmon Fishing and the wimpy rod.

Years ago I began fishing with Crystal's Dad Wayne.  I had a lot to learn about salmon fishing.  On my first trip out I brought a rod and reel with me that Wayne said was too flimsy to use for salmon fishing.  I always liked the rod, but since he always had rods ready, I never got to use it for fishing when I went out with him.  Since then, I've caught many fish with him and always had lots of fun.  While I haven't got the years of experience he has, I feel like I could probably do it on my own if I had my own boat.  This year during salmon season I am unable to go to the lake cabin for the annual salmon trip out on the coast of WA.  I have a friend, Steve,  that lives locally who invited me to go out for a day near Whidbey Island.  Of course I said yes, knowing I'd have no opportunity to go to the coast this year.  Steve and his wife, Danielle are buzz bomb fishermen.  They've had some luck with them but wanted me to show them how to fish with bait.  Armed with salmon leads, weights and herring we went out near Fort Casey for a day of fishing.  I explained the idea about fishing with bait and how it was done and why it works.  All the while showing them what I had learned from Wayne.  I guess I've been a decent student because the setups worked and we were HOOKING fish.  The bait "swam" well and the fish were biting.  But, as Wayne has said, "Some days you just can't get 'em in the boat".  This was a day like that.  We had fish on but excited fishermen and barbless hooks prevailed.  And that rod I've wanted to use for so long?  I hooked into a nice silver, and got it to the boat, but at the point I was raising the rod tip up to net it and get it into the boat...   The rod snapped at the joint and the graphite shards cut the line and the fish swam away to be caught another day.  I guess you were right Wayne. That rod didn't, in fact, have enough back bone to catch a salmon.  Lesson learned.  Thanks for all the years of hand holding.  Hopefully there will be many more.

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